
Another swine for Perl

Bontekoe Data Consultancy
Tj. Romke Bontekoe




Bontekoe Data Consultancy specializes in tailor-made applications of Data Mining.

Usually "strategic data" is supplied by a company, in order to find hidden correlations, fraud, or just for fashion. The quality of this so called "strategic data" is sometimes so deplorable, that I sometimes wonder why they are still in business. Before any Data Mining can be performed, the black magic of "Data Cleansing" must be performed.

A witches brew of Perl snippets is applied in order to unduplicate, unclutter, and untypo the data, and format these conforming the various data mining packages.

Perl is a blessing (in disguise?) in a commercial environment.


Romke Bontekoe got his doctorate in astrophysics in 1988 (Groningen). Since 6 years he is an independent consultant, specialized in Bayesian data analysis, with applications in satellite imaging and data mining.

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Last update: 08-09-99