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Detlef Drewanz: Lifecycle Management with Oracle Solaris 11

Oracle Germany
Principal Sales Consultant, Solaris technical specialist


Oracle Solaris 11 introduced many improvements with regards to life-cycle management; techniques for installation, software packaging, patches and updates, boot environments and automated installation. This presentation will explain the details behind this improvements, how they work, how they work together, and why this all makes the life much easier.


Detlef is a Principal Sales Consultant, located in Berlin/Germany and acts in the role as Solaris Specialist in the Oracle EMEA Server Presales team.

He joined Sun Microsystems in 1998 and is since July 2010 part of Oracle. Prior to that Detlef worked at Hitachi Internetworking Franfurt in network support and as member of scientific staff in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rostock. Detlef holds a Master in Computer Science.



Association NLUUG
e-mail: info@nluug.nl